Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a registry?

No, this is not a registry. I built this for myself to have an online backup of my collection, and I've decided to open this up to others. As part of not being a registry, no personal information is collected that would identify a person with their collection.

How is my personal information protected?

One goal of mine for this application was to protect personal information as much as possible. As a result, no personal information is collected or asked for, like names and addresses. The only information required upon registration is an email, so use whichever one you want.

How is my collection protected?

As part of not being a registry, serial numbers are not required whenever you enter a piece into your collection. The only required fields are maker, model and type. If you do enter a serial number, the serial number is encrypted in the database itself. The only way to see it is through the application, which decrypts the serial number when it is going to be displayed. If the database were to be accessed directly, the only thing that would show up in the serial number field is gibberish.

What happens if I delete a piece from my collection?

If you delete a piece from your collection then it is gone forever. A delete is a hard delete, meaning that it is completely removed from the database. No information is kept.

What happens to my collection if I delete my account?

If you decide to delete your account, upon account deletion, your profile is completely removed from the database as well as your entire collection. No information whatsoever is kept. So if you delete your account and want to come back later, there is no account restoration. You'll have to enter in everything again.
I believe in protecting privacy. No information is kept.

Does anyone have direct database access?

As the builder of this application, there is only one person with direct database access and that is me. Nobody else has access.

Tech question - How is this built?

This application is built using the Python language using the Django framework. The database is a PostgreSQL database. The database is hosted on Heroku.

Tech question - Can I see the code?

Of course! The codebase is completely open source!
You can see it here over at Bitbucket.